Small Biz-Cam with the Queens Chamber of Commerce
The Queens Chamber of Commerce and the OATH are pleased to invite you to attend a roundtable discussion on the theme: "Listening to small business owners during the COVID-19"
OATH is not penalizing respondents for not responding to their summons during this time. If a Respondent does not respond to a summons during this time, they will have their case automatically rescheduled.
The Small Biz-Cam will be held on May 13, 2020 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The objective of the round-table discussion is to highlight the role OATH processes during COVID-19 times and to inform decision-makers on the importance of the role of OATH and the impact in Queens. The Administrative law Court's Community Education Services (ACCES) program seeks to connect residents with information from OATH, the city court responsible for hearings on city-issued summonses.
To obtain the proper invite link for the Zoom meeting, please register
OATH Small Biz-Cam with the Queens Chamber of Commerce invites you to:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 6270 8861
Password: 665585
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