Queens Chamber of Commerce Breakfast Workshop Series Workplace Skills Development Program Fall 2018 to Spring 2019
(In conjunction with NYIT Center for Human Resource Studies and Dispute Resolution Institute of New York)
Presenter: Joshua E. Bienstock, JD., LLM.
Negotiation Skills for the Businessperson: Cultural Considerations
Friday, October 19, 2018 - 8:30 AM
In our multinational business world, it is an imperative that professional be culturally aware. A failure to have basic cultural awareness skills can cause friction and hurt employee morale. Cultural awareness can be instrumental in negotiations with other businesses and can be the difference between success and failure. As our workforce becomes more and more culturally diverse, it is imperative to be culturally aware to promote a positive workplace environment. This program will provide the necessary cultural awareness skills to not only survive but to thrive in our ever-increasing business world of diversity.
Complimentary Admission - Parking and Breakfast
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