This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Queens Chamber of Commerce events.
Queens Chamber of  Commerce logoSchool Of Management @ NYIT logoDispute Resolution Institute of New York logo


Friday, December 10, 2021 (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM) (EST)


, School Of Management @ NYIT, Dispute Resolution Institute of New York

Contact Organizer
+1 7188988500


Managers and employees are under greater pressure than ever, and having a team of employees who collaborate and work together well can provide significant advantages.

However, if one or more employees become difficult to work with, productivity and team spirit can drop precipitously; you may also lose key employees. This program offers practical strategies for managers and supervisors and workers who need to work with employees who are exhibiting difficult or disruptive behavior.

This event has complimentary entry and is open to the public. The event will be held on the Zoom online meeting platform. The link for entry will be made available upon registration and is also available below for convenience.

Zoom Link


  • Joshua Bienstock (Director of New York Institute of Technology School of Management)

    Joshua Bienstock

    Director of New York Institute of Technology School of Management
