On Thursday, December 3rd, the Queens Chamber of Commerce will be joined by Commissioner Lorelei Salas of the NYC Department of Consumer & Worker Protection for a discussion on the important updates of the NYC Paid Safe & Sick Leave Law.
There has been some significant amendments made to the existing Paid Safe & Sick Leave Law (PSSL). Some of them have started being effective since September 30th of this year and others are set to be effective starting January 1st of 2021. The goal of this webinar is to raise awareness about the law with the employers as well as have a roundtable discussion regarding questions and concerns about the law.
Commissioner Salas and representatives of DCWP will go over the overview of the law and discuss its importance during the pandemic. They will also share valuable resources available in their website. There will be a handful of small business owners leading the roundtable discussion.
This event has complimentary entry and is open to the public. The event will be held on the Zoom online meeting platform. The invite will be emailed to you upon registration and is also included below for convenience.