Title III of the American Disability Act mandates that websites, provide equal access to individuals with disabilities. With over 91 million people in the U.S. living with disabilities and a combined disposable income of $500 billion, inaccessible websites risk missing out on a significant market. Additionally, businesses face growing lawsuits, averaging over $25,000 in settlement costs for ADA violations. Compliance is not only mandatory but also a responsible business practice.
Join this complimentary webinar to learn:
· Why website accessibility matters and whom it impacts.
· The types of disabilities impacted, their related challenges, and the assistive technologies they use
· Accessibility laws
· Learn the definition of Accessibility and Barriers to Accessibility.
· Understand the Accessibility Process and Common Accessibility Issues
To Register click here - https://accompanycapital-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2DDhvBF_TRa2NuXuurne5A#/registration