Improving the conditions of your local business corridor
As of January 1, 2019, New York City stores, food service establishments, and mobile food commissaries may no longer offer, sell or possess single-use foam food containers such as foam takeout clamshells, cups, plates, bowls and trays. Additionally, manufacturers and stores may no longer sell or offer for sale loose fill foam packaging ("packing peanuts") in the city. This ban is effective as of January 1, 2019. Affected businesses, agencies, and nonprofits will have a six month warning period lasting through June 30, 2019.
Learn about Exceptions and Enforcement
· Outreach Initiatives in Jackson Heights
· Finance fundamentals for your small business in Queens.
· Business resources Information:
· Assistance to Small business owners and general public
Light Refreshments will be served - Complimentary admission - Open to all