Issuing New Casino Licenses for the Downstate Region With NYS Gaming Commissioner Brain O'Dwyer Join Waitlist Register
Save the date March 29, 2023 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
Event Details Join Tom Grech, President and CEO of the Queens Chamber of Commerce and the Chairman of the NYS Racing and Gaming Board, Brian O'Dwyer for a presentation on the process of issuing the three new Casino licenses for the downstate region.
Brian O'Dwyer Chairman at NYS Racing & Gaming Commison A lifelong New Yorker, Brian O’Dwyer has been an advocate for working men and women and immigrants. A graduate of the High School of Music and Art (now LaGuardia High School) he went on to obtain a Bachelor of Arts from The George Washington University in Spanish American Literature, a Masters in Spanish from Middlebury College, a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University and a LLM from The George Washington University Law School. He has been awarded the degrees of D. Phil from Dublin City University and DHL from Middlebury College. He was the founder and first Chair of the Emerald Isle Immigration Center, and served as advisor to the Clinton administration during the Northern Ireland peace process. He was appointed by President Clinton to the Presidential Commission on White House Fellows, and Secretary Clinton to the U.S. Committee for UNESCO. He has spent the majority of his professional career advising labor organizations and immigrant rights groups on workers protections and benefits issues.
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