
ABNY Census 2020 and All 5 Borough-wide Chambers of Commerce

Invite You to an Information and Networking Event about the 2020 Census

On December 9th, please join us to learn about how the Census impacts business and the role New York City businesses can play in this upcoming 2020 Census.

The 2020 Census is of significant importance and will determine the allocation of more than $7โ€‹3 billion in New York State alone. An undercount โ€‹of our City โ€‹will result in the loss of resources that our communities rely on every single day. We know that everyone has a role to play in getting out the countโ€‹. This event will cover the importance and value of the Census and will provide information on how businesses can participate in getting out the count (GOTC)! We hope to inform and inspire you!

ABNY Census 2020 in partnership with the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island Chambers of Commerce invite you to this kick off event!

How are businesses impacted by the Census ?

How can businesses play a vital role in creating a fair and accurate Census Count for New York City?

Join us for a morning of networking, breakfast, and information to engage and inspire you to participate in the 2020 Census in a way that is meaningful for your business and your community!

December 9, 2019

8 - 11 AM

The Space at Flatiron - WeWork

35 E 21st St., Ground Floor

NY, NY 10010

Please RSVP on

Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.com/e/80088513901and please feel free to send any questions to

Kristan Roehrs, at kroehrs@abny.org.

Event Schedule:

8:00 - 8:30 AM โ€“ Registration and Networking

8:30 - 9:15 AM โ€“ Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:15 - 9:30 AM โ€“ 2020 Census and New York City

9:30 - 10:00 AM โ€“ Importance of Census for Businesses

10:00 -11:00 AM โ€“ Closing and Networking

Census 2020 โ€“ Silberman School of Social Work





Discover and connect with other attendees.



WeWork The Space at Flatiron

35 E 21st
New York, NY 10010

New York, NY 10010

If you have any questions please contact Jacqueline Donado

Contact Organizer

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